Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Basic Properties Of Stem Cells - 1937 Words

The first authoritative source I used was the National Institutes of Health website. This site had various pages explaining what stem cells are, the different types, what they can be used for, when they will be able to be used, and where more information can be found. The site explains stem cells as being distinguishable from other cells in two ways. They are unspecialized cells capable of regeneration through cell division, and they can form different organ- and tissue- specific cells under certain conditions. After explaining the basic properties of stem cells they explain the three types of stem cells and what makes them different. Embryonic stem cells are collected from embryos that are formed through in vitro fertilization. These embryos have to donated from donors that have been given consent in order to use them for research. The website explains, in detail, how these embryos are created in a lab. It also explains how the cells can be manipulated to form the desired mature cel l product. This can be done through three techniques, â€Å"change the chemical composition of the culture medium, alter the surface of the culture dish, or modify the cells by inserting specific genes.† Adult stem cells, also known as somatic stem cells, are found in different tissues of the body. Their role is to stay dormant in a tissue until there is a need for it to divide and specialize in order to repair or maintain that tissue. There are a variety of somatic stem cells. They areShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Over Stem Cell Research1027 Words   |  5 PagesStem cell research is the study of basic cells that are grown in laboratories where tests are made to determine the essential properties of the cells. Over the past few decades, stem cell research has become a popular scientific debate and controversy. Stem cell research is still considered to be relatively new technology that is responsible for taking human cells and developing them into 220 different cells in the hu man body. Stem cell research has the potential to help disease research and managementRead MoreThe Debate Over Stem Cells And Cloning1398 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract Stem cells and cloning are very controversial today. There are debates and arguments about it all over the internet. The idea of stem cells is to use them to help cure and prevent diseases. You can use embryonic and adult stem cells. That’s one of the reasons people argue about it, because it kills the potential life of the embryo. [Stem Cells and Cloning] Stem cells and cloning is very controversial in today s society. Some people believe it’s not a good idea because it destroysRead MoreThe Debate Over Stem Cells1144 Words   |  5 Pageseach day, the use of stem cells, in regards to research, is becoming extraordinarily prevalent. I believe that the use of stem cells is unethical to a certain extent. Stem cells are cells that are able to renew themselves as well as the ability to generate specialized cells. Scientists refer to these tiny, magnificent cells as stem cells because many different types of cells can stem from them. Stem cells have the ability to develop into other cell types that mature into cells that have specializedRead MoreEssay about The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research628 Words   |  3 PagesInside an embryo there are dozens of stem cells. They are basically empty shells, but the special thing about them is that they are pluripotent, meaning that they can develop in to any cell or organ in human body. That makes stem cell research a gigantic part of today’s medical research. With enough research, stem cells can be a big help to the human kind. Their extraordinary abilities could help scientists return memory to Alzheimer’s patients, or grow a man’s limb that had to be amputated due toRead MorePros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research1 003 Words   |  5 PagesFoundations Ethics Stem Cell Research Stem Cell Research Explorable.com 1.6M reads 32 Comments Printer-friendly versionSend by emailPDF version Pros And Cons in Research The debate of the pros and cons of stem cell research clearly illustrate the difficult ethics evaluations researchers sometimes must do. All scientists must consider whether the positive effects from their research are likely to be significantly higher than the negative effects. What are Stem Cells? Stem Cells are crucial to developRead MoreStem Cell Research Should Not Be Allowed1170 Words   |  5 Pagesuse of stem cells. Many people think stem cell research should not be allowed, due to the fact that researchers mostly use stem cells from embryos. But, if an eight year old boy’s life can be extended or even saved through the stem cell surgery, the research using stem cells should continue. In 1978, an important discovery was uncovered in our medical world; stem cells were recognized in human cord blood (Murnaghan, â€Å"History of Stem Cell Research† N.p). With the discovery of stem cells, researchersRead MoreA Scientific Explanation of Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research594 Words   |  3 PagesIn general, a cell can be defined as a stem cell if two basic criteria are met. First, stem cell is capable of self renewal for indefinite period throughout life while maintaining undifferentiated state, i.e., the cell can divide and produce two identical daughter cells and thereby maintains the stem cell pool. Second, stem cell possesses capacity for differentiate into specialised and functional progeny under the right conditions, or given the right signals. It may divide asymmetrically to yieldRead MoreStem Cell Research is a Vital Necessity for Medical Advances in America1373 Words   |  6 Pagesallowing embryonic stem cell research, which has the potential to help 150 million Americans who suffer from serious or incurable diseases or disabilities† (Roleff 63). It is incredible how some of the smallest items like stem cells can have such a drastic impact on the world. Two types of these tiny cells are adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. These stem cells are important and have unique opportunities. However, there are ethical issues with researching stem cells. Nevertheless, itRead MoreApplication Of Dental Science Department1676 Words   |  7 Pages Proliferation Capacity of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cell in Serum Free Culture Media (in Vitro Study)† Research project submitted to the Faculty of Dentistry Ain Shams University, for registration for the Degree of Masters in Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University. By Esraa Mohamed Abdel Moniem B.D.S Faculty of Dentistry, Misr International University, 2012 E-mail: esraamoh267@gmail.com Phone: 01001542375 FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, AIN SHAMSRead MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay1477 Words   |  6 PagesStem Cells Few scientific issues in recent years have managed to draw as much attention, both scientific and otherwise, than stem cell research. I was first introduced to the term ‘stem cells’ when I was in high school, and since then, I have had a keen interest in the direction science is taking them. When considering medical research as a whole, stem cells appear to have the makings of a 21st century medical revolution a la discovery of antibiotics . The open-ended nature of stems cells has

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